Classic Dozen Roses
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Nothing says "I Love You" like roses. The perfect bouquet to send to the one you love. Our dozen assortment arrives freshly cut and fragrant to make a BIG impression on your loved one. Beautiful stems with confidence, knowing that your centerpiece will arrive beautifully farm fresh!

Available in Any color of your preference - Let us know in the special instructions at the check out page.

Echeveria Succulent can be add it to this beautiful dozen roses design

Product photos represent an overall theme or look which in some instances, cannot be replicated exactly. Although the actual arrangement may not precisely match the photo, the overall design direction will always be preserved.

Seasonality, market conditions, and availability may cause substitutions of flowers, greenery and vases to occur.

We will always ensure that the styling and color schematic match the imagery as close as we can and will only substitute items of equal or higher value.

Classic Dozen Roses



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Neighborhood Flower Delivery areas :

West Roxbury, Massachusetts
Same Day Delivery ENDS IN:




